Top 3 Secret Corner For Readers

Find a place to read favorite books never easy nowadays, especially living in the city, but we're going to share you 3 unique place that rarely people teliing you before.
     1. A Quite Bar:   
Bars can make very suitable spots for reading. First, books pair quite nicely with your beer or bourbon. Second, shake the stigma: you can be that person at the bar reading a book. In fact, it’s a pretty fun way to unwind (and feels particularly appropriate with certain boozy books).

2. Public Transport:

Whether you’re on a bus, a train, a subway, a monorail, a streetcar, or an airplane, there’s only one concern about reading on public transit: whether or not you suffer from motion sickness. And if you don’t, then read, read, read away!
3. On Bed:
I spend most of my reading time on bed, so comfy and private, but really easy to fall asleep.

These are my three favourite, what about yours? Let's us know!

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